Ammunition Co., 74th Ordinance Bat., 6th Eng. Special Brigade
Fancher and Lester Leonard McLean
the first troops had landed and the enemy had been driven off the beach,
it was time to start arranging the re-supplying of these troops. The men
were only carrying a limited amount of ammunition. The ammo they had carried
themselves onto the beach, in their assaultvests. The first supplies came
in on duwks, that had already been packed with ammo in England and they
drove off the LST's and swam to the beach. They dumped their cargo on
the beach. Especially on Omaha Beach it was a real mesh. Many men in the
first waves had been killed and were still floating in the water or lying
on the beach. Burning Tanks and other material were all around and ammunition
and all other supply had simply been dumped on the beach. In the American
sector there were three Engineer Special Brigades that had to make sure
that the three divisions got their supplies. The 1st Brigade landed with
the 4th Division on Utah Beach. The 5th Brigade( to which Jack Mills was
attached) landed with the 1st Division on in the Colleville-area, on the
left side of Omaha Beach. The 6th Brigade of which Ralph Fancher was part,
landed with the 29th Infantry Division near Vierville-sur-Mer.
618 th Ammo company’s original mission was to establish a beach dump near
Vierville-Sur-Mer near the D-1 Exit. Rough winds and heavy seas had created
confusion in the landings, so the dump they created ended up being near
Les Moulins, near the D-3 Exit. This area was basically the dividing line
between the 1 st Infantry Division and the 29 th Infantry Division. They
were in charge of supplying ammunition to the infantry on the beach. Ordnance
also does quick repair jobs. They would take good parts off one gun and
place them on another, making a good rifle – ready to be taken to the
front. In essence, they made it possible for the infantry to fight the
landed on Easy Red at 10:00, this was the around the same time as Joe
Manzella landed with the 115th Infantry Regiment in the same sector. Artillery
was still falling on the beach and from gathering and sorting boxes came
not much at first. When Ralph landed he heard his buddy shouting "Start
digging, this is terrible". Ralph says the shells where going right
over their heads. They rained down, exploding and sending water up into
the sky. Tracer bullets bounced off of the landing boats. Ralph’s buddy
Lester Leonard McLean who was a supply sergeant in Ralph’s company says
that he just knew the next shell was going to hit their boat, since shells
where landing left and right of their landing craft as they made their
way towards the beach.
The scene at the beach
at that time was described by a lieutenant in the 6 th Engineer Special
Brigade as follows: "I noticed that nothing moved on the beach except
one bulldozer. The beach was covered with debris, sunken craft and wrecked
vehicles. We saw many bodies in the water... Then we saw that the beach
was literally covered with the bodies of American soldiers wearing the
blue and gray patches of the 29 th Infantry Division."
Picture courtesy
Kim Johnston, Granddaughter of Staff Sergeant Lester Leonard McLean