Veterans of D-day

Dick Wolch in
the cockpit of a C47 in 1944.
Art Hopper, Glider pilot 434th TCG
Clifford D. Krantz, C-47 pilot 441st TCG
Lt. Marvin Litke, Pilot in the 71st Sqn. of the 434th Troop Carrier Group
Robert Murphy, 505th Reg.
Howard Hoye Rifleman 505th PIR 82nd Airborne Division
Terrell L Noffsing, Copilot on a C-47
Dick Wolch 82nd Airborne Division 508th PIR 3rd Bat. Co. G
1st Lt. McKennan 101st Airborne Division
Gerry Paulk 501 PIR 101st Airborne Division 2nd Bat Co. D.
Mike McKinney 16th Reg. Co. L. 1st Div.
First ones in on Omaha.
Victor Miller 5th Ranger Bat., Omaha Beach,
Dog Green, 0730
Joe Manzella, Omaha Beach 3rd Wave
Ralph Fancher and Lester Leonard McLean , 618th
Ammunition Co., 74th Ordinance Bat., 6th Eng. Special Brigade
Ted Schwartz, 346th Engineer
Richard Bostwick, 401 GIR 101st ABN DIV.
Henry Weir, 22nd Infantry Regt. 3rd Bat.
Captain Tallie J Crocker, Utah Beach U+5
JJ Mills: Landing on Omaha in the Afternoon
Rudy Kos, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment
Ted Schwartz - platoon sergeant US Army ww2 - 346th Engineers
Frank South 2nd Ranger Bn Medic
Bill Rugh - US Navy
Irving Smolens, 4th Infantry Division, 29th FA Bat. B-Battery
Norman L Fleming 29th Infantry Division
George Smith Morris 175th Inf. Reg. 29th Inf. Div.
Bob Salley 326th A/B Eng. Bat. 101st ABN Division